色.戒:戏要演下去…Lust Caution Review: the show has to go on…

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我喜欢打麻将的几幕。李安拍出了张爱玲的神笔,那几个阔太太也演出了张爱玲笔下的人物。 如:那个演马太太的苏岩,那个有点敌意,有点怀疑王佳芝和易先生之间的关系的眼神,虽一闪而过,却拿捏准确。我最要赞的是陈冲!她的每个眼神,每个微笑, 每个举动都很入神。她洞悉一切, 她处事泰若。

赞了,我现在要在鸡蛋里挑一挑骨头。坦白说,我觉得有些戏份拍得有些夸张,甚至有点好笑,如:“中国不能亡”,和“我恨你 – 我相信”这两幕。我不知该哭或笑。有些戏拍得太‘白’了,少了神髓,少了震撼。 如:结局时,易先生手下向他报告那幕就不必了。

汤唯嘛,新人来说,已很不错了。只是,有些时候我还是觉得好像少了什么。梁朝伟的演技精沾内炼有目共赌,不用多说。只是有一幕有点牵强 – 他哭的时候。不知是他的错手,还是李安的。

张爱玲的原著,或看李安的电影,不可没留意到钻戒。故事开始时,钻戒在麻将台上闪闪发亮。故事结尾时,那粒鸽子蛋大的钻戒也在妖艳地闪闪发亮。前后呼应,绝!真的很讽刺。唉!女人真笨,见了那粒钻戒. 就决定放弃一切….

Finally, I went to watch Lust.Caution yesterday.

When I was watching Lust Caution, all I could feel was, once you have decided to perform, you have to continue because the show has to go on…. (same with life ?) ….That’s why Wang Jia Zhi in the movie continues to perform, continue to perform at her best ability as the woman who determined to seduce Mr Yee. Just like the cruel and pretentious head of resistance group said : once you decided, there is no turning back…..I find this movie able to portray this struggle quite well. I sat in the cinema, kept thinking there were moments when Wang Jiazhi could have a choice, however, she does not give herself opportunities to choose. Because of patriotism? because of true love? because want to save the ordinary people? because of lust ? because there is no other choices? because want to attract Kuang Yuming’s attention? because want to revenge? It is hard to say or pinpoint.

I like the mahjong scenes the most. Ang Li has successfully translated Eileen Chang’s (Zhang Ailing) original work into big screen, and the few actress have successfully portrayed the characters in Chang’s work. For example, Su Yan as Mrs Ma who has that subtle hostile look towards Wang Jiazhi, and her suspicion of Wang Jiazhi and Mr Yee’s relationship. It is so subtle and brief but you could feel it clearly. The one I wanted to praise the most is Joan Chen. Throughout the film, her smiles, her words, and everything else are so captivating. She is the woman who knows everything in the movie and yet she able to hold it all together neatly.

Ok, I have given some complements and now I want to share some disappointments on this film. Frankly, I think there are some scenes are a bit over the top, sometimes, unfortunately have become quite amusing. For example, the scene when everyone stands up in the theatre and say ‘China can’t be destroyed’ and the scene when the couple say ‘I hate you – Yes, I believe’. Well, I nearly laughed in cinema. There are also some scenes I think are not necessary. For example, at the ending when Mr Yee’s subordinate reporting to him about the arrested. I personally find the scenes have lessen the dramatic and intense feelings, also soften Mr Yee’s cruelness. With regard to Tang Wei, I think her performance is quite good as a newcomer. However, I have to admit that there are some scenes I feel she is kind of lacking something that I can’t pinpoint. Tony Leong’s performance is superb as always, but I do not like the scene when he cries. Don’t know it is his mistake oo Ang Lee’s.

Last but not least, whether you read Eileen Chang’s original work or watch Ang Lee’s film, you can’t miss the shining (sometimes you can see the devil shines) diamond rings on the mahjong table at the beginning of the story, and the master piece at the end of the story. What a clever arrangement, opening and closing with diamond rings. Well, at the same time, what an irony and sarcasm! Oh woman ! Just like Wang Jiazhi, when she sees the master piece diamond ring, she decides to give up everything…..






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