旧戏院的回忆 Memories in Old Cinemas

Bloor Cinema

昨天, 天气好得不得了 – 21度,晴。

Ed放工后,我们出去逛和在Bloor Cinema(如上图)看The Queen。

这间戏院约有一百年历史,已蛮残旧了, 政府也没特别修补。




那时,一 张戏票才5元马币左右。

爸爸爱看电影,约每一,两个星期看一 部。



通常, 大人不会买戏票给小孩,我爸爸在内。








而且,现在的小孩, 多是玩电脑的,不然家中也有大型电视。


Bloor Cinema 这旧戏院内没有阶梯。



The weather yesterday was very pleasant – 21 Celsius and sunny.

After work, Ed met up with me for a walk and a movie (The Queen) at Bloor Cinema (photo above).

Bloor Cinema has over 100 years of history.

The interior is quite old and there are no major restoration by the government.

It usually show second run movies, independent movies etc.

The ticket is very cheap, and only charge members CAD$4 per ticket.

This cinema reminds me of the good old cinema memories that I had with my family.

When I was young, the movie ticket in Malaysia was very cheap, only about 5 riggit malaysia.

My dad loves movies, and we watched one movie every one to two weeks.

Most of the old cinemas in Malaysia had steps or stairs.

Each role of seats was higher than the front role by a step, hence no blockage of audience’s view.

At that time, adults would normally not buy tickets for their children, including my dad.

Without tickets, as kids, we normally prayed for empty seats next to my parents’ seats.

Otherwise, we had to sit at the steps in the walkway.

My dad only bought tickets for seats by the walkway, so I could sit right next to him at the steps.

Sometimes, if the steps were occupied by other kids, I would have to sit at steps very far from him.

This is how children in Kuala Lumpur watched movies in cinema in the old days.

If it was a full-house, the steps would be packed by children and adult audience would had problems walking through the walkway. It was lots of fun !

Nowadays, modern cinema will not allow children to sit at the steps in the walkway. And, parents have to buy tickets for their young children.

The scene mentioned above is no longer exits. We can’t hear children’s laughter in the walkway anymore.

Bloor Cinema does not have steps like the old cinema in Malaysia.

I wondered : in Toronto, how did the kids watch movies in cinema in the old days ?

The photo above wasone of the old cinemas in Kuala Lumpur. I think it was one of them that we went when I was young. It was demolished in 2002 and now a parking ground.






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