热情的自愿工作者 Passionate Volunteers



招收会在Roy Thomson Hall举行。我鲜少在这一带逛,也想细心欣赏一下这座有名的演奏厅。于是,招收会当天,我提早40分钟到。还以为有点时间吃晚餐 – 街边的热狗。嘻嘻!








Regard as one of most prestigious international film festivals in the world, Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), is coming soon.

Appreciating my volunteer work last year in TIFF, I was invited to the first volunteer recruitment session that only opened for returning volunteers. Knowing my following months will be quite free, I have already decided to volunteer for TIFF this year too.

The recruitment session held at Roy Thomson Hall. Since I never explored this area, I arrived 40 minutes earlier than the starting time. It was also to have enough time to appreciate the architecture of this famous concert hall in Toronto, and to quickly get a hotdog for my dinner.

However, I was shocked by the huge line-up I saw when I got out from St Andrew subway station. Although I remembered how crazy Torontonians could be for TIFF, I was still surprised by the ‘passion’ of the volunteers.

Well, without a choice, I knew I had to miss my dinner to start lining up. The session started on time. Many volunteers arrived later than me were sent home because Volunteer Department could only cater no more than 400 people at one session ! In the main hall, everyone was instructed to be seated according to the place in the queue.

After the session, every 100 volunteers per group as per the seating, were sent to another hall to register for shifts they wanted.  So organised ! And I thought I was early, but there were more than 200 people were earlier than me. So, I was placed in the third group and had to wait patiently in the main hall, while those who came earlier were signing up for shifts. And my stomach was groaning…

By the time of my turn, most shifts I wanted were already filled up. My empty stomach did not allow me to consider too much, but just quickly signed up for a few other shifts, so I could go home as soon as possible. However, to hand in my registration form, I still had to line-up for an interview! I almost collapsed due to hunger!

By the time I walked out from Roy Thomson Hall, it was already 9.30pm. I did not feel like eating anymore, just wanted to head home immediately.

On the way home, I noticed this was only the first recruitment session. There are another five more to come. I believe they will be as well-received as this one. Well, I never seen any volunteer work that need lining up at least one hour before, and have to ‘fight’ for the work.

I am happy for TIFF for such success, yet wonder why we could not have the same passion for other volunteer groups. If so, the world might be a better world…..


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