新年愿望 New Year Resolutions








  • 第一,当然是希望家人个个身体健康快乐,一家和乐,出入平安。世界和平,真的不想天天打开报章都要伤心好一阵子。至于, 要有健康,就要努力经营。所以,新的一年,我和Ed要吃得健康,少在外吃。要多褒汤,多煮中药调身体。
  • 第二,爸爸生意顺利,Ed事业顺心。这个嘛,我虽帮不到,但我希望自己少发小姐脾气,不唠叨,做好家务。这样Ed回家时,可以好好休息恢复。(我怎么变成了个家庭主妇?哈!别问我,我自己也很惊讶!)
  • 第三,今年我决心考取加拿大的药剂执照。要拿执照,就有好几个试要考。最令我头痛的是,考试范围竟包括所有以前大学的科目。大学是七,八年前的事了,很多日常工作不需用到的死板知识已忘了。现在要重考,真讨厌。没办法啦,我拖了这么久,也是时候要面对了。
  • 第四,这两,三个月在马,要好好跟爸爸偷师,学好中医的临床经验。等我一拿到加国的永久居民证,就要跟多元诊所租间房来开始看病。虽有点战战兢兢的,可我已做好心理准备,知道我可能要等一段时间才有自己的病人。没关系,不踏出那一步就永远前进不了。还好,Ed也很支持我。
  • 第五,今年,我想开一个新的部落。新部落和这个日记式部落有点不同。在新的部落里,我希望分享一些中医保健常识。写写对中医的体验和思考,还有提供一些容易在家烹煮的草药茶剂。希望你们也会捧场啦。




 please click here for English translation

Sometimes, I wonder if others do make New Year resolutions or set goals for the New Year.

I have heard not many people do these anymore, and Ed is one of them who could not care less about making New Year resolution. I guess this is because most of them experienced disappointment or discouragement when their goals are not achieved. Hence, to avoid disappointment, they rather just let it be.

For me, it is the opposite. I never fail to make New Year resolutions. I take it so seriously that I would not go out for any New Year party on New Year eve. Instead, I stay home to contemplate what I have learned for the past year and determine what I want to do or achieve in the New Year. This is my own unique way to count down the New Year.

I like it. When I have goals, I feel that there is a focus in my daily life and I would work harder. If for any reasons I can’t achieve a particular goal in a year, it is ok for me. I will try again next year or year after until I achieve it.

However, when Ed heard about my ‘tradition’ of not going out on New Year eve, he thinks I am very odd and overly idealistic. He thinks life does not have to be so serious, so he has been dragging me out for celebrations on New Year eve for the past few years.

This year, we could not celebrate the New Year together. I was not disappointed, instead I was happy that I could follow my own New Year eve ‘tradition’. For some reasons, I feel that the resolutions I make on New Year Eve will sit in my heart more than any other times.

Anyway, let me share what I am wishing for or what I have determined for 2008.

  • Firstly, of course, I hope our family is harmonious, happy and healthy. At a bigger scale, I pray for world peace. It is indeed very upsetting to see wars, killings, bombings and suffering of ordinary people every morning when I open up the newspapers. In terms of hoping to live more healthily, I want to eat out less and cook more healthy food at home.
  • Secondly, I hope my father’s business in Malaysia and Ed’s careers will be good and smooth this year. Well, as much as I am hoping for this, I can’t help either of them. Yet, as a girlfriend, I think I could learn to control my temper better, and try to manage the household matters better. So, Ed has less worry at home. Hee hee….don’t ask me when I have become such a devoted housewife! Well, I don’t know and I am shocked too 😉
  • Thirdly, I determine to pass all the examinations for pharmacist licensing in Canada. Frankly, I am not looking forward at all because the syllabus of the exams include all the academic subjects from my university times. I have left university for more than 7 years and those subjects are not too useful during my day to day work, hence I have forgotten most of them. I know when I get back to study, I will pick up pretty quickly. It is still a huge effort. Well, what to do. I have avoided to this issue for too long and now it is time to face it.
  • My fourth resolution is to learn as much as possible from my father during my 2 to 3 months stay in Malaysia. My father has over 30 years of clinical experiences, I know learning from him can help me to build a solid foundation. I want to start practising as a Chinese herbalist as soon as my application for immigration to Canada is approved. Frankly, this is my new career and am a little nervous. I am also aware that it will be very slow in the beginning. Well, without taking the first step courageously, there will be no progress at all. So, I just have to do it.
  • Last but not least, I hope to start a new blog. This new blog is not a diary style blog, rather it will be a specialty blog on Chinese medicine. I hope to share some basics and fundamentals of Chinese medicine, as well as my own learnings in a simple and easy to understand language. I will also share some easy-to-make Chinese herbal tea recipes. I hope you will like it too. I will share more later when I have more complete ideas.
    If this blog can gain popularity, I hope I can eventually publish a book based on the blog ! Ha ha ! I know I am daydreaming. Yet, it will serve as a strong driving force for me, especially during the waiting time for my immigration status and am not allowed to work.

Ok, that’s all. Although I still have a few more things I would like to do this year, I decided to keep the list to five goals for now. I know I am a person who can’t focus and easily distract. The more goals I set, the less likely I could achieve them. This is because I will end up doing bit and pieces here and there but without achieve any one of them successfully and completely. So, five is enough for 2008. Since I have published my new year resolutions, please encourage me when I want to give up, please cheer me up when I am down and please remind me of my focus when I am distracted.

So, how about you? what is your New Year resolution?



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