TIFF = Superstars

(Dear English readers, please scroll down to find the ‘click’ for English translation )


在墨尔本那么多年,几乎每年都是墨尔本国际电影节 (简称MIFF) 的忠实影迷。现在,我在多伦多当然不会放过这个机会啦。这次不但会是观众,还会是自愿工作者。

起初,我其实一点都不了解到TIFF的重要性。虽然,Ed一直告诉我TIFF 有多大,多重要等。我都不爱听,因为,在我心目中,墨尔本的任何东西都比多伦多好,包括电影节。哈! 我当然只是硬要拿来吵的啦。

先不谈电影, 这几天, 我是见证了TIFF的大排场 – 来参与的明星明人,粒粒闪闪耀眼。有Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, George Clooney, Jodie Foster, Uma Thurman, Jude Law, Jake Gyllenhaal, Reese Witherspoon, Keira Knigtly, Helen Hunt, Charlize Theron, 李安,梁朝伟, 等等等等!! 声势庞大!这个嘛, 真的比MIFF大上好多! 🙂

我嘛,不舍得付钱去买很贵的开幕典礼之类的票,也未必买得到(因为很多已被抢光! ),所以没有福份看到这些闪亮亮的明星。

好玩的是,各大报章已列出名人爱逛的几条街来给影迷‘追星’。我想,我心血来潮时,可能会去碰碰运气吧。其实,我只认得以上几个,就算给我碰上其他大名人,我也未会认得。如我不认识的明星被人围着索签名,我可能也只会好奇伸一伸头, 然后掉头走开,也就算了。 看不看到已不重要。:)

The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) 2007 is finally opened today !!

Living in Melbourne for so many years, I have always been a loyal audience at Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) . Since I am here in Toronto this year, of course, I will not miss this opportunity to be part of it, not only as an audience, but a volunteer too.

Initially, I don’t think I understand the ‘significance’ of TIFF. Although Ed keeps telling me how big and how important TIFF is, I do not really pay attention to him. This is because, in my heart, everything in Melbourne is better than Toronto, including film festival. Well, my stupidity and unreasonable stubbornness always kicks off silly arguments with him 🙂

Now, I finally see it myself, how BIG TIFF is ! Not talking about movies, I am only talking about the stars and directors who are here attending the film festival are all super famous and super great ! Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, George Clooney, Jodie Foster, Uma Thurman, Jude Law, Jake Gyllenhaal, Reese Witherspoon, Keira Knigtly, Helen Hunt, Charlize Theron, Ang Lee, Tony Leung are only the few to mention here. I can’t deny anymore it is much bigger than MIFF ! 😉

Well, unfortunately, I am not willing to buy the very expensive film tickets for Gala or Visa Screening events, and highly likely I won’t get it anyway (because already sold out !). Hence, I don’t think I will see any of superstars anyway.

Interestingly, many newspapers have published a list of streets the stars like to shop around. So, if I feel like it, I may go to those street to see if I am lucky enough to bump into them. Frankly, I can only recognise the a few mentioned above. There are still many more superstars I won’t have a clue how they look like or who they are. I guess if I see them on the street, I may not notice them anyway. If the stars I don’t know are surrounded by fans asking for signature, I may only put my head in to satisfy my curiosity, and then just walk away. At the end of the day, it is not important if I do see them or not 😉


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