Tag: home

  • 一切从“新”开始

    一切从“新”开始 打扫完毕,我俩坐在地上,看着空空如也新租来的房子出神一会儿。接着,互相挖苦和自嘲,都活到“这把年纪”了,除了一些衣物,身上最贵重的东西,就是电脑和单反。啊,还有就是我们从加拿大带来的五瓶冰酒 (上图)!哈哈! 再过三个星期才是2011年,而我却好像已进入了新的一年。 新城市,新生活,Ed 的新工作,新房子,新家私,新朋友,一切从“新”开始!

  • Home again

    又回到马来西亚老家了。 昨天刚抵步。可已被炎热和潮湿的天气熏得头疼疼的。 离墨尔本前,太担心卖不出我的宝贝桥车和天天忙着见朋友说再见,没时间睡得好。 现在,车卖出了,没什么挂心的。墨的一切终算告一段落。现在决心要好好地休息 😉 I am home again in Malaysia. Just arrived yesterday but already suffered from headache due to the hot weather. I could not sleep well and did not have enough time to sleep in Melbourne before I left. This was because I was too worried about my car sale and was…

  • 家,是温暖的 Home is always pleasant

    回来近一个星期了, 没怎么写有关马来西亚的生活。 有几个朋友关心,问我还好吗。 其实, 很好,谢谢。 回家,最温暖。 有妈妈体贴入微的照顾。衣食住行都无需担心。 只是,身体还很累,也还在适应这里炎热的天气。 除了见一些亲戚朋友, 大学教授刚批了我硕士论文的大纲,我也开始为写论文忙碌。 还有,我一向馋嘴,一到马就尽情享用街边小吃,却搞得肠胃不太舒服。 身为中医的爸爸要我戒口,不再让我吃刺激性强的食物。 天啊!回马不吃这些,就没了乐趣。 为此与爸口角,唉, 我这个不孝女, 虽知爸爸纯粹关心。 妹妹知道我要买一些电脑零件,也为我蹦跑采购便宜的。 家,有家人的嘘寒问暖, 很是温暖。 一切很好。 谢谢。 I have been back in Malaysia for nearly a week but have yet to write much about my home-home. A few friends had wondered how I have adjusted myself being back. Returning home is…

  • 回到家了 I am home

    昨晚抵马。 回到家了。 妈妈好开心,因为我胖了。因为,这代表我的日子过得好。 上次,从澳回马,为了搬去加拿大忙得瘦了好多。 这次回马,胖了。在加国好吃好住, 没压力了四个月,哪有不胖的 :) 没关系啦,妈开心就好了。 ........ 这几天,飞得有点累,定不下心写好部落.....希望这些短短的贴字(post) 可代表我现在的心情.... Arrived Kuala Lumpur last night. Feeling relieved – I am home. Mum is very happy to see a fatter me. For her, it is an old fashion sign of a better life. When I was home last year Nov, I lost lots of weight due…

  • Going home or Leaving Home Series 离家.回家:(3)人物介绍 The Cast

    很久没写这个系列了,今天 让我介绍介绍短片中的人物。(以下的介绍只是他们当时的情况,自此他们的生活已有了很多改变, 有一些已移居到其他城市或国家。) I have not written a post for this series for a while, let me introduce the cast in this doco today. (The intro below was their lives then, there are many changes since then, some of them already moved to another city or country).

  • Going home or leaving home Series 离家.回家 :(2)The doco 短片

    提了那么多次,我和几个朋友搞的短片终于上网了!虽然只是片前的两分钟, 希望在此分享。有关片中的介绍人物,请点击这里。 在此,要特别谢谢我的老拍档Fred(短片的监制), 放假从香港回墨尔本短短几天,还要帮我找英文字幕版和解决技术上的问题。谢谢! Finally, the short documentary that I have mentioned so many times is live online ! Below is the two minutes of the beginning of the doco my friends and I made. Although short, hope to share with you all here. I shall start to introduce the characters in this doco in…