家,是温暖的 Home is always pleasant

回来近一个星期了, 没怎么写有关马来西亚的生活。


其实, 很好,谢谢。




除了见一些亲戚朋友, 大学教授刚批了我硕士论文的大纲,我也开始为写论文忙碌。




为此与爸口角,唉, 我这个不孝女, 虽知爸爸纯粹关心。


家,有家人的嘘寒问暖, 很是温暖。

一切很好。 谢谢。

I have been back in Malaysia for nearly a week but have yet to write much about my home-home. A few friends had wondered how I have adjusted myself being back.

Returning home is always warm and pleasant feeling, and I am not talking about the 33 degree heat and 70% humidity. Mother is always around to look after me. I can totally relax and not worry about daily routines such as meals and laundry. But on the whole, I am still a little bit exhausted from the travels and time change, and is still adjusting to this hot and not-so-pleasant humidity from the cold and gray of the Canadian winter.

My lecturer has recently approved my proposal and content of my thesis for my TCM Masters. I’ve trying to balance between catching up with relatives and friends and writing the thesis.

Those in Malaysia knows that the street food is fantastic and full of variety, something Australia and Canada is missing. However, on this visit I found myself not too used to it and suffered from some mild gastrointestinal problems. My father, who is a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor was quite worried and forbid me from eating anything that is too spicy, too sour or greasy. This frustrated me so much that I I had a small argument with him. I know it is very unwise of me to argue about such a trivial thing, knowing that my father was only looking out for my well being.

Everyone in my family is helping and looking after me so well and I am so appreciative of having such a wonderful family. So the answer is, “I guess I am adjusting rather well to being home after all.”






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