加拿大首都 - 渥太华 Ottawa

(Dear English readers, please scroll down to find the ‘click’ for English translation.)

前几天没有时间写部落,因为去了加拿大首都- 渥太华 (Ottawa) 一游。


除了陪Ed的家人,我们也有一些时间在城中走走。Ed起初还以为我不会喜欢这城市,因为觉得它太小太闷。恰好相反,我很喜欢这个只有一百二十万人的城市。 就是喜欢它的宁静,不急躁的脚步。 最吸引我的是它那许多古老,宏伟,以石头为主要材料的欧洲式大型建筑物。可能是我还没去过欧洲旅行吧,总是充满憧憬。加上,那几天都下着毛毛雨和雪片,很有情调。

它是加国首都,是政治和文化的中心。所有主要的政府部门 (如:国议会院,国家最高法院等)和国家美术馆,博物馆都在此城市。

我们参观了国议会院,有专业的政府人员带领和讲解,让我对加拿大的政治历史多了一 份了解。最让我印象深刻的是,原来旧的国议会建筑在第一次世界大战时,被大火烧得只剩下一小栋 (现为国家政治图书馆)。 旧国议会建筑是以木材为主要建筑材料,所以大火发生时, 一发不可收拾到无法重建。 为了重建人民的信心,加国决定重新设计国议会建筑。 为了避免相同的祸难,新的国议会院改用坚固的石头。为了纪念这段黑暗悲痛的历史,新的建筑的室内设计都用暗淡的灯光。

市中心有里多河(Rideau River) 自南向北穿城而过,注入城北的渥太华河。当年为军事目的修建和已有175年历史的里多运河 (Rideau Canal) 是此城市著名的历史性建筑。在冬天,它会转身为溜冰游乐场。


I have not been writing for the last few days because we went to visit Ottawa – the capital city of Canada, for three days to visit Ed’s brother and his family. I thought it would be good to see them again since I have only met them once over Christmas.

Apart from spending times with Ed’s family, we had time to go to some sightseeing. Ed initially thought I won’t like this small and quiet city. On the contrary, with only 1.2 million population, its slow pace and tranquility attract me. I have not been to Europe and but fell in love with the many magnificent European- style stone architecture from the turn of the century. It was raining and snowing lightly when we were there which made it more romantic, althought everyone says it is more beautiful in the summer.

It is about a five hours drive Toronto to Ottawa. Since Ottawa is the capital city of this country, it is the center of politics and culture for Canada. Parliment, Supreme Court, National Art Gallery etc are all located here.

We went to the guided tour in the Parliment, and it gave me more understanding of the history of politics in Canada. This is also my first time to see the House of Commons and House of Senate. What shocked me was that the Parliment had been burnt down by a furious fire during First World War. Apart from a small building (now the National Politics Library) that left untouched, the rest of the buildings were damaged and unrepairable. To restore people’s confidence, the government decided to redesign the whole all the buildings. One of the major reasons of the widespread fire was because the Parliment was mainly built with wood, so to prevent such disaster again, they decided to use stone instead. To commerate this dark times during the First World War, they only use dim lights and a somber mood inside the buildings.

Another main touristy spot is the Rideau River which flows through the centre of the city, and meets the Ottawa River at northern border. The Rideau Canal, 202 km (126 miles) long, originally conceived of as a military project, has become an important historic site and it turns into a paradise for ice-skating site during winter. It celebrates its 175th anniversary this year.

We did not have enough time to visit the National Art Gallary but managed to take a few photos in front of it.


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