影评: 四月三周两天 TIFF Review : 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days

导演 Director
Cristian Mungiu

电影来源 Film Origin
Romania (2007)

剧本 Screenplay
Cristian Mungiu

主要演员 Principal Cast
Anamaria Marinca, Vlad Ivanov,
Laura Vasiliu, Alexandru Potocean

故事简介 Synopsis

在1987年的罗马尼亚, Otilia 正协助她的好友兼大学室友,Gabita 寻找堕胎的途径。堕胎在当时,即共产党仍当权的时代(1966至1989年), 是违法的。Mr Bebe 被找来进行此非法堕胎手术。可是,他要的酬劳不是金钱。在这进退两难的情况下,片中女主角必须作出一个决定。

During the last waning days of Communist rule in Romania in 1987, Otilia is trying to help her university dorm-mate and best friend, Gabita to get an abortion which is a illegal at that time (from 1966 until 1989). Mr Bebe is sought to perform the illicit termination in a seedy Romanian hotel. However, instead of monetary return, Bebe has something else in his mind. The two women are forced to make a decision in this rough and gritty situation.

观后感 My thoughts


开始时,此电影的票给卖光了。还好,我常跑售票处。可能有人换票,有一次刚巧给我拿到票。幸运 !


这位年轻,未得奖前还寂寂无名的罗马尼亚导演, 不但,拍出了女性的苦处和勇敢,也间接地通过片中女主角,带出了当时罗马尼亚人的生活。

全片的高潮,当然是Mr Bebe跟Gabita和Otilia在酒店房内,讨论堕胎的过程和他要的回酬。 我喜欢的是,导演没有刻意煽情。娓娓道来之时,也适当地拍出了被威逼下所作出的牺牲,那种争扎,那种无奈和无助。演员出色和自然的表现,还有摄影师能够精确地捕捉每个神情中的内心世界的技术,是无可置疑的。片中的对话也很简单,真实。

虽不是此片的主线,我也很喜欢Otilia 和她男友的几幕戏。 它们暗喻着,有时,一段真挚的友情可能比一段不牢固的爱情来得可靠。

看了电影后,我感到一丝丝的愤怒和悲哀。我愤怒Mr Bebe 的乘人之危。我悲哀女性所要经历的身心伤害。不只是堕胎的过程,还要面对堕胎以后的心理煎熬。


What attracts me to watch this film, of cause, is its Cannes Film Festival Palme d’Or award.

At first, I could not get a ticket through the advance order process. Fortunately, I went to Box Office frequently for various reasons, and I was lucky enough to get one ticket one day.

I really like this film. Director Mungiu able to capture the story in an impeccable and utmost natural manners. Mungiu once said, he got the ideas of this film from a true story he once heard from others. It possibly is also an untold story of many others who never want to bring up.

This young, and previously unknown director, not only brings our attention to women’s struggles and their courage, through the characters in the film, he also indirectly takes us to Romanian people’s lives during that times.

The scene of Mr Bebe explaining to the two women about the nuts-and-bolts of what has to happen, and then his demands of the ugly business of payment is undeniably the most brilliant scene. Mungiu able to carry this scene in such intense emotions and tension, yet without overdoing it. The story is told in a realistic manner that we can feel the two women’s emotional struggles then the painful decision, the sacrifice and the helplessness.

Praises should go to all the principal casts who have given such superb performances. The cinematographer also has given his best to capture every single emotion with such depth and precision. The dialogues in this films are spare, authentic and realistic.

Although it is not the main storyline in this film, I personally quite like the story of Otilia and her boyfriend. It quietly reflects the fact that a loyal and noble friendship sometimes are more reliable than an unstable and mistrust relationship.

When I walked out from the cinema, it took me a while to stop feeling angry and sad. I angered at Mr Bebe who take advantages of the two women. I wasw saddened by what damage a woman has to go through both physically and emotionally in this situation. The worst is, it does not stop here. The pain and torture may continue for a long time.

May I wish all women don’t have to go through this. For those who have been through this, I sincerely wish your tortured heart will heal one day and soon.





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